DEPARTMENT OF Process Engineering and Energetics (GPE) Sector: Process Engineering Branch: Chemical Engineering 3rd Year GC List of 3rd Year GC students TIMETABLE 3rd year S1 GC TIMETABLE 3rd Year S2 GC 4th Year GC List of 4th Year GC students TIMETABLE 4th year S1 GC TIMETABLE 4th Year S2 GC 5th Year GC List of 5th Year GC students TIMETABLE 5th Year S2 GC Sector: Mechanical Engineering Branch: Energy and durable development 3rd Year EDD List of 3rd Year EDD students TIMETABLE 3rd year S1 EDD TIMETABLE 3rd Year S2 EDD 4th Year EDD List of 4th Year EDD students TIMETABLE 4th year S1 EDD TIMETABLE 4th Year S2 EDD 5th Year EDD List of 5th Year EDD students TIMETABLE 5th year S1 EDD